Back to CTM July 2021

dogplayingtetris's Qualifier

Score 1:
Score 2:
Total score:
Subpar qualification for this month's Tetris happening, though I'll take it. I'm happy that there was a 1.1 at least. I think this is a bit lower than a 1.1 average though, which is unfortunate. Lately I've been going for consistency and not really high scoring games, so makes sense that a qualifier like this would happen. Still, I'm quite satisfied with the score. Or should I say, the average, because my final score is the average of the 2 top scores. You might be wondering, why is it top 2 scores average? It's actually a combination of some discussion that happened a while back, and the tournament organizers seemed to agree that average of 2 was the best option. Honestly, I agree. It isn't too much like an average of 3 qualifier, but not too random inconsistent tappers like your highest score. It was a good compromise. Anyways, about the qualifier, it was an unfortunate start because of how OBS was acting. It was giving me some issues. Laggy stream, mostly. However, after a quick reboot of the laptop, it seemed to be fine, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I wonder if I could revert back to the old version of OBS... this new one seems to have issues with my computer. Actually, now that I think about it, it could be because my main drive is full. I should clear that soon. Hopefully it's work better after that. I do have some large files I need to move to my other drives. Yeah, that's a good idea.