Back to CTM July 2024

CTM July 2024 Masters Event

All Matches
# Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 TommyNTG Sidnevv 2–3
2 Tristop716 CTNAllenbot 3–1
3 dogplayingtetris myles 2–3
4 Bluescuti SodiumOverdose 3–0
5 TetrisAlexT PanicPortal
6 TheDengler_ gerald_freeman
7 danvweller Cheez_E
8 iBall1_ rahmations
9 Sidnevv Tristop716
10 myles Bluescuti 1–3
11 Winner of Match 5 Winner of Match 6
12 Winner of Match 7 Winner of Match 8
13 Winner of Match 9 Bluescuti
14 Winner of Match 11 Winner of Match 12
15 Winner of Match 13 Winner of Match 14
Playable Matches