CTWC Austria 2024

Full Rules

CTWC Austria will be held on 9 March 2024 at the Respawn Esports Bar (U Bahn Bogen 185, 1190 Vienna). Qualifying will be held online prior to the event, on this site. It will be 45 Minute Ao2 with the combination of Simplified Morelando Method. Online qualifying will close on 7 March 2359 UTC, the possibility of qualifying in person may be inquired upon with the organizers.

Qualifying will be played on either the original rom or other non game altering roms with 39 HALT, and on the second page where it says some preliminaries point 5, Make sure you're playing an unmodified version of NES Tetris (Game Genie uncap codes are okay, tho. Turn on "Qualifier Mode" if applicable. No OCRs please)

The 8 wide flat bracket is up to 40 players large, this size was chosen as it is beyond any realistic estimation of attendees, so it is encouraged to submit your qualifiers even if you may be dissatisfied with them.

Your qualifier will only be valid once you have filled out this sign up sheet

Please note that the rankings below are only of the qualifiers before using SMM, for further information on seeding and bracket play please read this

Qualifying for this event is closed.